Have What you Want

You have things that you want in your life! You will be more likely to get, be and do them if you set goals.  But only work on one to three at a time.  Otherwise, you will get too scattered.

Now, a goal is not a wish…I wish I would lose weight, I wish I had more money, I wish I could be in Italy right now.  You are going to have to get way more specific than that. 

A goal has to answer two questions:  How much? By when? 

Instead of wishing you would lose weight, your goal might be to lose 20 pounds by your birthday this year.  How much? 20 pounds.  By when? Your birthday this year.

If you just think about your goal, you have a 43% likelihood of reaching it.  Not happy with those odds?  Write it down.  That takes the likelihood up to 56%. Better, right?

The first words of your written goal should be “I will.”  When you say, “I will” you are making a promise.  For example, if I say that I will call you tomorrow at 3:00, you expect me to call at 3:00.  It is a promise.  In the case of goals, you are making a promise to yourself.   “I will lose 20 pounds by my birthday this year.”

If you find yourself saying “I really want this, but I have no idea how to get it” write it anyway.  Don’t let not knowing how you will get it stop you from your dreams! Set the goal for what you want.  The how will come later.

Back to that 56% likelihood of reaching your goal when you write it down.  I bet you don’t like that probability either.  Want to raise it?  Share your goal with someone that you trust – now you’re at 64%.  Check in with someone who will hold you accountable. That takes it all of the way up to 76%.  Now, that’s more like it!

What do you want in your life?  What is your goal?  How much? By when?