It Takes Action

Wouldn’t be nice if you could just think about what you want and you would have it?  Like a magic genie who would grant you all of your wishes. It would, right?

I hate to be the one to tell you, but if you want to get from where you are to where you want to be, you are going to have to take action. 

Think about taking a road trip.  Let’s say you start out at point A and want to go to point B. If you drive five miles every day, eventually you reach point B.  If you your road trip is a 30-mile trip, you’ll get there in 6 days.  If it is 500 miles, you will get there in 100 days.  No matter the distance, you will get there.

Working toward your goal is the same thing.   If you take five actions every day toward your goal, you WILL reach your goal.

Make a list of the five actions you will take.  You can do this at the end of the day with the things you will do tomorrow. You can make the list the first thing in the morning with the things you will today.  Either way, identify the next actions that you need to take to move your goal forward.  These are you priorities for the day.

Start your day by doing the five actions. If you don’t, you know what is going to happen.  Other things will take up all of your day.  At the end of the day you won’t have done a single thing toward your goal.   String a bunch of those kinds of days together and you will still be where you are today.  You won’t have made any progress.

The difference between people who reach their goals and those that don’t is that people who reach their goals TAKE ACTION.

What five actions will you take tomorrow toward your goal?

This blog is based on Success Principles #13 Take Action and #23 Practice the Rule of 5.

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