Take Control of Your Life in 2021

2020 is over!  Good-bye, adios, au revoir, auf widersehen, addio, zaijian, sayonara!!!

And what a year it was…COVID-19, fires, floods, hurricanes, social unrest, elections, and killer hornets.  All events we had no control over. 

If you’re feeling like you may not be living the life you want, I want you to know I get it!

I have a simple formula to help you get back on track and experience more of what you want!

Events happen!  We respond to those events, and our responses lead to the outcomes we experience.  Sometimes, when events that we can’t control happen, we blame the event.  Blaming someone or something, doesn’t change anything.  In fact it makes us feel powerless.

We may not control the events in our lives; we can, however, control how we respond.   That is our point of power: how we respond to the events in our lives.

If you are not experiencing the outcomes you want in your life, it is time to look at how you respond and begin to explore new responses.  New responses will lead to new outcomes – the type of outcomes that you actually want!

You are creating your experiences, your success, the quality of your relationships, and your health. Everything you are experiencing, you created!

There are only 3 responses you have any control over:

  1. Your behaviour (including what you say and how you say it; what you do and what you don’t do)
  2. Your thoughts (self-talk)
  3. Your beliefs (both conscious and unconscious)
Your visual imagery (including your images of the past (memories) and the future)”


With this awareness, you can make educated, intentional choices. When your responses don’t result in you getting what you want, you can choose a different response. 

Now I’m going to share with you that simple formula that changed my life, and I know it will change yours!


Event + Response = Outcome.

If you want to change the outcomes you are experiencing in your life, you must change your responses.

What do you want for yourself in 2021?  How will you need to change your responses in order to get that?