What Stops You From Having What You Want?

Your Comfort Zone.

You have a way of doing things that are comfortable to you. Your behaviors have become so habitual that it is difficult to identify your patterns, let alone change them.

Give this a try:

Fold your hands.  Notice which thumb is on top, your left or your right.  Now switch your hands so that the other thumb is on top.  Don’t just switch your thumb move all of your fingers down one. 

How does that feel?  Odd, right?  It isn’t comfortable. 

The next time you fold your hands you will probably do it the way you did it the first time because that is comfortable.  But, if you hold your hands in the uncomfortable way for about 4 -5 minutes it will become comfortable.

Think about this:  everything that you want that you don’t have already is outside of your comfort zone. 

You made your comfort zone.  Inside your comfort zone are your beliefs; some are real and some aren’t.  Thoughts about what you can and can’t do, and things you should and shouldn’t do.  Emotions like guilt, doubt, fear, and resentment. Your behaviors.  Your self image.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary.  If you are to get what you want, you have to be brave and step outside of your comfort zone.

When I became self-employed I knew that I had to attend networking events. I had social anxiety so the mere thought of it made me physically ill.  I put on my big girl panties and went to one.  Guess what?  I didn’t die. I didn’t even throw up.  Since then I have been to hundreds of networking events. 

How did I do it?

Before I went, I visualized myself going into the event, talking to people and sharing my marketing message with the group.  Focus on what you want (not on what you don’t want).  Use affirmations and visualization of having, doing, being what you want.  This will expand your mental comfort zone.

I went to the first networking event and went back the following week and the week after that.  I added other events to my schedule.  Practice stretching your physical comfort zone. The first few times it will be uncomfortable, I won’t lie.  Keep at it. You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable.

What do you want that is just outside of your comfort zone?  How will you step out of your comfort zone?

This blog is based on Success Principle #10: Release the Brakes.

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